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"I took part in a smoking study in college. They paid for my cigarettes and my time, and I really needed the money, but also I liked that something I was already doing every day could contribute to important research and help people."

Research participant

"I was one of the first children to have my large intestine and rectum removed. They wanted to know what life was like after for the kids. Just got out of it a few years ago, actually. It was good. I had a million surveys to fill out, but I also was able to meet and talk to others with my same condition, which helped both sides. And I had blood tests, biopsies, and monitoring, which could be slightly time consuming, but it helped for future generations."

Sandra K.

"My participation in a muscle study that helped pay for a semester of books. I did a handful of studies for fun."

Ryan Y.

"I was in a migraine clinical trial. I loved it because the medicine worked for me. I hate that it's not commercially available yet!"

Amy B.
